Purple Loosestrife seeds - Lythrum salicaria - Native Wildflower

Type: Hardy Perennial
Approximate height: Up to 1.5 metres
Flowering Time: Summer
Site and soil type: Moist soil in a sunny position
When to sow: Spring, summer or early autumn
Where to sow: Outside, direct into soil or under cover, into trays, modules or pots.
Packet contents: Approximately 4000 seeds / 0.2 g

Also known as Rainbow weed, Red Sally and Long Purples, Purple Loosestrife is an ideal plant for damp areas.

It has upright stems with narrow willowy leaves and small purplish-pink flowers in tall spikes.

Purple Loosestrife  attracts / provides food for the following creatures:

  • Bees including bumblebees such as Red-tailed Bumblebees
  • long-tongued insects, such as Elephant Hawk-moths 
  • Hoverflies
  • Butterflies including Brimstone butterflies
  • Moths including Small Elephant Hawk-moth 🐛
  • 🦇 
  • 🦇 (RHS)
  • An "RHS Plants for Pollinators" plant **

All our seed packets include sowing instructions.

Jemima’s Garden seeds are plastic free and reyclable. They’re contained in an inner glassine envelope, (made from pine wood cellulose), and an outer Kraft paper seed packet. Any shipping packaging is also plastic free and recyclable.

Key to symbols:

🐛 A food plant for the caterpillar

🦋 Provides nectar for the adult moth or butterfly

🦇 Listed in: Bat Conservation Trust Encouraging bats, A guide for bat-friendly gardening and living

🦇 (RHS)  Listed in the RHS Plants for Bats list

** RHS Plants for Pollinators. The RHS Plants for Pollinators mark is only given to plants that support pollinating insects. Find out more at rhs.org.uk/plantsforpollinators

** The Royal Horticultural Society, and its logo, are trade marks of The Royal Horticultural Society (Registered Charity No 222879/SC038262) and used under licence.