We care about the planet and the other species we share it with. This is what we do to have as little impact as possible.
This website
Our website is hosted by Webador based in the Netherlands.
Webador state, “Our servers use 100% sustainable energy, so your website has a net zero carbon footprint”.
Our seeds
As we do not use any pesticides, fungicides or any other "cides" in our garden, we can guarantee that the seeds grown by us here in Scotland, are totally pesticide free. The plants we harvest the seeds from have been grown using peat-free compost, (mostly organic) with only a splash of organic seaweed fertiliser used where needed.
Where we have purchased seed from other UK growers, we've checked with these companies that they also grow without pesticides.
Treatment of insects
Every part of our seed producing, the growing, harvesting, cleaning & packaging etc. are all done by hand, (no machinery here apart from a well-used kettle).
This means that any insects that accidently get caught up in the process are gently returned to the plant they came from, unharmed.
Seed packets and packaging
Our seeds are packed in paper envelopes with inner protective glassine packets, (made from wood pulp), all of which can be recycled or added to your home compost bin.
Any packaging used in sending orders is also plastic and foil free and recyclable or compostable.
The tins we use for our seed collections are also recyclable.
You may notice your seed packets are wrapped in tissue paper. This is not to make your order look nice, (although it does), but to provide extra protection for the seeds should the plastic-free envelope get damp or splashed en-route.
We have cut down on the amount of paper sent with each order and you now will only receive a packing list and a small card with your seeds.
All our orders are despatched using Royal Mail who claim to have “the lowest carbon emissions per parcel of any delivery company.”
We are lucky to live in a village with a post office, so all orders are taken, (on foot), to the Post Office, (no fossil fuels required, just lots of tea and biscuits).
We accept that we're not perfect so if you have any suggestions for making our company even more planet-friendly, please let us know.
Thank you 🙂